Monday, 11 November 2024

2024 Annual General Meeting


IOW Morris Minor Owners Club AGM 12th December 2024 at 7pm Southern Vectis Social Club Newport 


1. Opening - Chairman’s Welcome 

2. Apologies 

3. Minutes of 2023 AGM 

4 Chairman’s Report on the year’s activities 

5. Treasurer’s Report. 

6. Membership Secretary’s Report 

7. Chairman stands down and another officer takes the chair to elect a chairman after nominations received for the next Chairman 

8. Election of Chairman one member one vote (Show of hands or a secret ballot.) 

Votes counted and the elected chairman now takes the chair. 

10. Other Officers to be nominated and elected: Secretary, Treasurer, Members Secretary, Events Secretary, Young members Representative, and other Committee Members. 

11. Any other business - Close of meeting

Xmas Buffet to follow 

If you feel you can offer something to the club as a committee member in any capacity please contact Sally Woodcock or the Chairman or step forward on the night, the club would be most grateful for any help no matter how small. (Note all committee & membership posts are up for re-election annually) Basic Roles and duties of Committee officers are: 

Chairman, arranges and holds committee meetings, AGM’s etc Secretary, Takes the minutes of the meetings and sends regular reports to the national club. 

Treasurer, Pay the bills, keep accounts, and provide financial reports.

Members Secretary, Collect membership fees and keep a record of Club members details . 

Events Secretary & Facebook Moderator, Arranges and promotes local Club events. 

Young Members Representative, (vacant at this time) 

Co-opted Members contribute at committee meetings and assist at events Editor of monthly newslett er ( although not strictly a committ ee member) At least three of the main committ ee members must be members of the National Club in order that the IOW Club is officially recognised and can stay under their umbrella for insurance purposes. Anyone can join the IOWMMOC committee but you will need to be nominated by another club member and seconded by another at the AGM. As  said before, all posts are up for re-election, if you want to stand for one of the offices, please let the  Chairman or one of the existing committee members know as if more than one member stands for a position on the committee a vote from members will need to be arranged on the night.

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