Wednesday, 1 January 2025

New Year Message from Sally, our new Chair


I hope this post finds you enjoying the New Year, and that you’ve had an enjoyable festive season. As you may know, I have taken on the role of Chair, having been voted in at the AGM in December. I’d like to pass my thanks to Stuart Scovell for maintaining the role for the last four years – thank you for all your knowledge and expertise, I hope I can live up to your standards!

We have lots to look forward to in 2025, as well as our monthly meets at The Chequers Inn at Rookley, there will be various drives to island destinations, plenty of classic car events and of course our own IOWMMOC Rally which this year is being held on Sunday 31 August.

Our first meet of 2025 at The Chequers Inn is on Thursday 16 January and is a chance for a post-Christmas meal. The menu is here if you’d like to have a peek at what’s on offer: There’s no obligation to eat, if you’d prefer to just have a drink and a chat we’d still love to see you.

Happy Minor Motoring

Sally Cochran - Chair

2024 Annual General Meeting




Held on 12th December, 2024

At The Southern Vectis Sports and Social Club

1.The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Stuart Scovell, at 7.10pm..

2. Apologies were received from Kim and Chrisso Smallman, Paul Robinson, Jonathan Lewis and Susan Early.

3. The Minutes of the 2023 AGM were read by the Acting Secretary and agreed as correct.

4. The Chairman gave a brief review of the activities that have taken place in 2024

5. In the absence of Jonathan the Treasurer’s report was read by the Acting Secretary. The club’s finances are in a healthy position. He mentioned that our free rally was once again a success and extended his thanks to our sponsors and people who donated raffle prizes and their services free of charge. Mr. John Fisher was thanked for his kind donation of £100. The profit on the calendars was queried, but it was pointed out that most was included in the 2023 accounts because they were sold over 2 accounting periods. The accounts were accepted with corrections.

6. Andy read his membership report and told us that membership at the end of 2024 stands at 72. Renewals have started coming in for 2025.

7. Election of Chairman. Stuart stood down and as he preferred not to be Chairman for another year nominations for the post were requested by the Acting Secretary.

8. Sally Cochran was proposed by Stuart Scovell and seconded by Dave Gilliam. Sally was unanimously voted in as Chairman.

9. Sally stepped in to take the Chair.

10 Jonathan Lewis, Treasurer; Sally Woodcock as Acting Secretary; Alan Peeling, Web Blog; Andy Smith, Membership Secretary and Paul Cochran were voted back on to the committee unanimously.

Stuart Scovell was nominated by Sally Cochran and seconded by Andy Smith. Nigel Millwood was nominated by Stuart Scovell and seconded by Mary Jones. These two were both voted onto the committee unanimously.

11. Any Other Business:

Sally gave a brief overview of the results of the survey that had been sent out to members.

A discussion ensued about how to encourage members to help at our rally, as it is left to the same few people every year to do everything. It was suggested that a team of helpers could be started, who could be called upon for the rally and other events.

The meeting closed at 8pm and members enjoyed a festive buffet and raffle.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Seasons Greetings!

We have now held our AGM and this was our final event of 2024 so the Committee wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

At the 2024 AGM Stuart Scovell stood down as Chair after serving five years. We are pleased to confirm that Sally Cochran has agreed to take over from Stuart and she was formally confirmed at the AGM.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Chairman’s Report IOWMMOC 2024 Rally Weekend

 Chairman’s Report IOWMMOC 2024 Rally Weekend 

The weekend started as previous years with a Drive-Out on the Saturday afternoon from Havenstreet Steam Railway car park to a local attraction. With many of the car owners coming from the mainland the club produced a special Saturday pass in order that they could use the Steam Railway’s facilities without paying an entrance fee as in previous years. At 1pm the Drive-Out was marshalled expertly by the Cochrans, our latest committee members with twenty-seven Morris Minor cars leaving and twenty-eight Morris Minor cars arriving at Goddards Brewery! Not quite sure how they did it but I’m not complaining. We were met on the green by Bob Simpson the managing director of Goddards who was very informative and passionate about his job. After a small talk he led two groups for a tour around the brewery. Afterwards, we all headed upstairs for a bite to eat and a taste of their fine beer. Later that evening, lighting up at about 6pm we had our traditional Rally BBQ in the Havenstreet events field. With many of our overseas friends joining us for the get together. I even got given a glass of champers! This year we were able to ask for the railway to leave the flood lights on for us which was great to be able to see our burnt offerings. I must remember to ask for the lights to stay on again next year. Sunday Rally Day started at about 8am for the committee members setting up. With many more stalls joining us at this year's rally and the weather looking to be kind to us, the rally promised to be better than ever this year. All went like clockwork with cars arriving, stalls setting up even Paul Robinson and the Old Girl open top bus arrived in plenty of time this year! In all we had forty-eight Morris Minors, forty-five Classic cars, four steam engines, three buses, a lorry (left over from the week before I think, but all counts) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. With the PA up and running lent kindly and set up by Paul, Andy set about kicking off the day with the announcements, Dave B worked hard playing his guitar with three sets during the day. The Old Girl set out for two mystery tours packed to the gunnels generating much needed £445 cash for the Bus and Coach Museum. Being locked in until 4.30pm while the trains were running feels like a privilege to me, but there is always someone wanting to leave early. But on the whole I think everyone knew the score and accepted the strict rules on car movement. The falconry birds did their thing, and at times the field was packed with visitors surveying the cars. Later in the day it did warm up some and it was good to have the gazebo for some shade. At 3pm we had the awards given to: 

Best Visiting Car Austin Swallow GT 3521 Keith Buckett (IOW)

 Best In Show Minor Million 880 KYD Gevin White (Horsham) 

Best Island Car MM Split Windscreen KDL 756 Paul Robinson

Chairman's Choice MM four Door CYK 612H Jim Scott (Reading) 

For Services to IOWMMOCC Malcolm and Mary Jones (IOW) 

 The committee were pleased to award Malcolm & Mary Jones this special award for their continued commitment, support, advice, help and kindness over the years towards the IOW Club. Be it for ensuring the hard copies of this news letter are sent out each month, from collecting raffle prizes and ensuring that we are always represented with a tree at the Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival to name but a few. Malcolm and Mary, co-founders of the IOW Club of nearly forty years, established back in 1986 and loyal members of some forty three years in the National Club, are now retired from the Chair and committee duties but are still much valued and cherished members of the club. 

After the awards we had our Raffle that went on and on and on. Every year we say we must try and shorten it somehow and every year it gets longer and longer! In all £220 was raised by the Raffle for Ryde Inshore Rescue. There were some great cars at the rally this year, too many to describe here. I hope you all got to see them on our Facebook Page (a few are posred below). Hopefully the pictures taken speak for themselves. Sunday from 6.30pm we had our after rally meal at the Appley Hotel Ryde with about twenty or so very worn out and tired but happy rally goers. Here's to next year!

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Fort Victoria BBQ Cancelled


Thursday 15th August 2024

7pm BBQ Fort Victoria
Event Cancelled due to weather

Thursday, 22 February 2024

AGM 2023 Report


Held on 14th December, 2023 at The Southern Vectis Sports and Social Club

1.The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Stuart Scovell, at 7.15pm.

2. Apologies were received from Paul Cochran, Chris Saunders, and Kim and Chrisso Smallman

3. The Minutes of the 2022 AGM were read and by the Acting Secretary and agreed as correct.

4. The Chairman gave a brief overview of the activities that have taken place since the last AGM.

5. Jonathan gave his Treasurer’s report. The club’s finances are in a healthy position. He mentioned that our free rally was once again a success and extended his thanks to our sponsors and people who donated raffle prizes and their services free of charge.

6. Andy read his membership report and told us that membership at the end of 2023 stands at 70 with 6 Honorary Members and 64 paid up members. This means that membership is slightly up from this stage last year.

7. Election of Chairman. Stuart stood down and was elected to continue as Chairman unopposed and unanimously.

8. Jonathan Lewis, Treasurer; Sally Woodcock as Acting Secretary; Alan Peeling, Web Blog; and Paul Cochran were voted back on to the committee unanimously.

9. Andy Smith was nominated as Membership Secretary by Stuart Scovell, seconded by Jonathan Lewis.

Sally Cochran was nominated as Events and Facebook Manager by Stuart Scovell, seconded by Andy Smith.

These two were both voted onto the committee unanimously.

10. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, Daniel Rogers stepped down from the committee.

11. Any Other Business:

A discussion of the calendars produced by Paul and Sally Cochran was held. It was thought to be a good idea and thanks were extended to them. Dave Gilliam asked about the risk factor in the original outlay and it was noted that the club’s finances were in a strong position and soundings of likely interest has been taken prior to commencing the project.

There was a discussion of attendance at events by members. In some instances, the attendance is poor, but this was known to be the same in other clubs.

We were asked if attendance at the AGM might be improved by moving it to another month. This is to be discussed at a committee meeting in the coming months.

Malcolm Jones proposed a vote of thanks to the committee for the work done in the last 12 months, which was greeted by a round of applause.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm and members enjoyed a festive buffet and raffle.

Sally Woodcock - Acting Secretary

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Season's Greetings

 We have now held our AGM and this was our final event of 2023 so the Committee wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!