Held on 14th December, 2023 at The Southern Vectis Sports and Social Club
1.The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Stuart Scovell, at 7.15pm.
2. Apologies were received from Paul Cochran, Chris Saunders, and Kim and Chrisso Smallman
3. The Minutes of the 2022 AGM were read and by the Acting Secretary and agreed as correct.
4. The Chairman gave a brief overview of the activities that have taken place since the last AGM.
5. Jonathan gave his Treasurer’s report. The club’s finances are in a healthy position. He mentioned that our free rally was once again a success and extended his thanks to our sponsors and people who donated raffle prizes and their services free of charge.
6. Andy read his membership report and told us that membership at the end of 2023 stands at 70 with 6 Honorary Members and 64 paid up members. This means that membership is slightly up from this stage last year.
7. Election of Chairman. Stuart stood down and was elected to continue as Chairman unopposed and unanimously.
8. Jonathan Lewis, Treasurer; Sally Woodcock as Acting Secretary; Alan Peeling, Web Blog; and Paul Cochran were voted back on to the committee unanimously.
9. Andy Smith was nominated as Membership Secretary by Stuart Scovell, seconded by Jonathan Lewis.
Sally Cochran was nominated as Events and Facebook Manager by Stuart Scovell, seconded by Andy Smith.
These two were both voted onto the committee unanimously.
10. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, Daniel Rogers stepped down from the committee.
11. Any Other Business:
A discussion of the calendars produced by Paul and Sally Cochran was held. It was thought to be a good idea and thanks were extended to them. Dave Gilliam asked about the risk factor in the original outlay and it was noted that the club’s finances were in a strong position and soundings of likely interest has been taken prior to commencing the project.
There was a discussion of attendance at events by members. In some instances, the attendance is poor, but this was known to be the same in other clubs.
We were asked if attendance at the AGM might be improved by moving it to another month. This is to be discussed at a committee meeting in the coming months.
Malcolm Jones proposed a vote of thanks to the committee for the work done in the last 12 months, which was greeted by a round of applause.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm and members enjoyed a festive buffet and raffle.
Sally Woodcock - Acting Secretary